Visa Introduction |
Indonesia is constitutional state which is based on Pancasila and UUD 1945. In addition as a constitutional state, Indonesia is also a state which is rich of various culture from Sabang to Meurauke. With various cultures owned by Indonesia, it has special attraction for foreign citizens to visit Indonesia. To maintain security stability of Indonesia, the government makes regulations on Immigration. With this Immigration Regulations, the Indonesian Government can control the traffic of people who come in or out of Indonesia Territory. One of the form of controls is to oblige all foreign citizens who intend to come into Indonesian Territory to have Visa. Visa for RI is an entry permit given by the authorities of RI Representatives or In other places decided by the Government of RI containing consent for Foreign Citizen to come and execute trip in Indonesian Territory. Types of Visa in Indonesia are as follows:
On 01 of February 2004 pursuant to President of RI Decree No. 18 Year 2003 and Decision of Minister of Justice and Human Right of RI No. M-04.Iz.01.10 Year 2003, Government of RI has enforced regulation on Free Visa facilities for Short Visit and Visa on Arrival for foreign citizen from several countries who intend to visit Indonesia as tourists, social-culture, business visit or government delegation. Visa-Free Short Visits is given for the longest period of 30 days since the arrival date/entry to Indonesian Territory and the permit can not be extended. The countries obtaining Free Visa on Arrival are: Brunei, Chile, Hongkong, Malaysia, Macao, Morroco, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Visa On Arrival (VOA) can be given for a period of 5 or 30 days. This Visa On Arrival can be extended on the approval of Director General of Immigration and the status can not be transferred into other immigration permit. |